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The Cycle of Life (es)

Software: Thinglink
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Learners will join us on an exciting journey through the fascinating world of life cycles! They will discover the incredible transformations of butterflies and frogs and learn how their unique life cycles contribute to the beauty and diversity of nature. Using Thinglink, learners will explore these incredible organisms hands-on, uncovering the hidden secrets of their life cycles in a fun and interactive way. Take advantage of this fantastic adventure into the wonders of life.


Lesson Overview



Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Learners will be shown an image that displays various organisms. They need to identify and recognize the different organisms depicted in the image.

Enhance the learners' observation skills and ability to identify common plants and animals.

Main Activity

Learners will explore the lifecycle of different organisms using the interactive platform Thinglink.

Analyze and explore the lifecycles of different organisms.

Closing Activity

Learners will write a script to depict an organism's life cycle, such as a butterfly. 

Deepen understanding of the various stages in an organism's life cycle and develop storytelling and communication skills.


Prior Knowledge:

Learners should have:

  • Basic understanding of living organisms
  • Familiarity with common animals

Lesson Objectives:

  • Explore the life cycles of different organisms on ThingLink
  • Create a script

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Identify and describe the distinct stages in the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog.
  • Analyze and assess the importance of the life cycle in the growth and development of these organisms.
  • Write a script involving the life cycle stages of a frog.



Teaching slides



Pre-lesson Prep

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.


  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance.
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to https://www.thinglink.com/ on each device.




Introduce the ground rules, lesson norms, and team roles to students. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.


  • Display the image: Begin by displaying an image on the screen which includes different living organisms such as plants, animals, and insects.
  • Ask the learners: Ask the learners to look at the image and identify the different organisms shown.
  • Encourage Discussion: Encourage the learners to discuss and share their answers. You can also ask them prompting questions, such as:


  • What do you see in the picture?
  • Can you identify any animals or insects in the image
  • Can you identify any plants in the image?
  • Are there any organisms in the picture that are not visible to the naked eye?

 Possible Responses: The learners may respond with different answers, such as:

  • "I can see a butterfly in the picture!"
  • "There is a flower in the picture!"
  • "I think there might be some microorganisms we can't see."


Discuss with the learners how the beauty of life can be seen in the intricate patterns on a butterfly's wings, the vibrant colors of a flower, and the sound of birds singing. You can ask some prompting questions, such as:

  • Have you ever noticed how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly? What do you think happens during this transformation?
  • Possible Response: "The caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then transforms into a butterfly."If learners have yet to see a caterpillar turn into a butterfly, you can ask them if they have seen pictures or videos of this transformation.


  • Have you seen a tiny seed transform into a tree?
  • Possible Response: "Yes, a seed turns into a sprout, then grows into a sapling and eventually turns into a full-grown tree."


Finally, introduce the life cycle concept and explain how each organism goes through different stages in its life before becoming an adult.

How do I get my students to open up and respond?
Ensure that you maintain a safe space in the classroom for students to not be hesitant in case of wrong answers. Time and again, declare that it is a judgment-free zone and that every response is valuable. For simple “yes” and “no” responses, encourage learners to use a simple “Thumbs up, thumbs down”.




Introduce ThingLink to the students, explaining that it is an online tool that allows users to create interactive images and videos by adding clickable links, text, and multimedia.


Guide the learners to explore two interactive images on the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog, respectively.


As the learners explore the butterfly and frog life cycles, ask them to complete a worksheet containing thought-provoking questions about each stage. 

The questions are designed to encourage critical thinking. For example:


Why do butterflies always lay eggs on leaves?

How does the pupa help in the transformation of a butterfly?

Why do frogs always lay eggs in the water?


Gather the learners and ask them to share their worksheets with the class. Use this as an opportunity to discuss the answers to the questions and clarify any misconceptions.

What to do if ThingLink doesn't work?
When exploring on ThingLink, learners may encounter some common issues or challenges. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help address those situations: 1. Slow or unresponsive image loading: Check your internet connection to ensure it is stable. Refresh the page or try opening the image in a different browser. 2. Inability to play multimedia content: Ensure the device has the software or plugins to support the multimedia content (e.g., Adobe Flash Player, media players). Check the device's audio settings to ensure sound is not muted or at a low volume. 3. Difficulty navigating or interacting with the image: Use the zoom-in or zoom-out feature to examine specific details closely. Within the image.
What to do for learners who have difficulty using Thinglink?
Printed Materials: For students with limited access to technology or who face challenges in using digital tools, provide printed materials such as handouts or worksheets containing information about the life cycle. Group Work: Pair up or create small groups with diverse skill levels. This way, students with difficulty with technology can collaborate with peers who are more proficient in using ThingLink.
How does learning about the lifecycle of organisms help learners?
Learning about the lifecycle of organisms helps learners: Understand the natural world and its complexity. Appreciate the diversity of life forms. Promote scientific inquiry and develop scientific skills. Foster empathy and care for living beings.




  • Guide the learners to work in small groups or pairs to write a script (page no. 5) that depicts the life cycle of a frog. 
  • The script should include the different stages of the life cycle, such as eggs, tadpoles, froglets, and adult frogs. 
  • The learners can use the information they gathered from the ThingLink resources and the worksheet to guide their writing. 
  • They can take the help of the example provided using the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • The learners need to draw out the different characters. They can take help from the video to learn how to draw a frog.


  • Ask the learners to describe their feelings after writing the script. What was most challenging for them, and how did they overcome it?
  • Recap the essential topics covered in the lesson, highlighting the life cycles of the butterfly and frog and the importance of understanding the different stages of an organism's life cycle.
What if my learners find it challenging to write their Script?
Provide students with a template or outline to follow. Break down the script into smaller steps, such as brainstorming ideas, organizing the dialogues logically, and writing a rough draft before the final version. Allow for flexibility and creativity in the script. Encourage learners to use their imagination and develop exciting and unique ideas for their script.
How to modify the closing activity for slow and advanced learners?
For Slow Learners: Pairing with a peer: Assign slow learners to work in pairs with a more advanced or supportive peer who can assist and guide them through the script-writing process. For advanced learners: Challenge advanced learners to go beyond the basic life cycle stages and research additional information about the frog's life cycle, such as specific behaviors or adaptations during each stage.





Understanding of Life Cycle

The learner demonstrates limited understanding of the life cycle of a frog.

The learner demonstrates some understanding of the life cycle of a frog.

The learner demonstrates a thorough understanding of the life cycle of a frog.

Script writing

The learner’s script lacks coherence and structure. Ideas are unclear or disconnected.

The learner’s script shows some coherence and structure. Ideas are generally connected. 

The learner’s script is well-structured, with clear organization and logical progression of ideas. 

Proficiency in using ThingLink

The learner demonstrates limited proficiency in using ThingLink. Struggles with navigation, interaction, and accessing relevant resources.

The learner shows some proficiency in using ThingLink. Navigates and interacts with the platform with moderate success. Accesses and utilizes relevant resources to some extent.

The learner demonstrates proficiency in using ThingLink. Navigates and interacts with the platform effectively. Accesses and utilizes relevant resources proficiently to enhance the script. 

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