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Sound Symphony

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Welcome to the exciting world of sound! In this lesson, 1st-grade learners will be introduced to the basics of sound. They will also discover how sound can be loud or soft and high or low. But that's not all - students will use their newly acquired knowledge of sound to create their unique beats on the Infinite Drum Machine! Get ready to make some noise!


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity Sound Safari: Learners will explore the sounds around them. With eyes closed, learners will listen to the sounds of nature, people, and objects in their surroundings.
  • Develop listening skills.
  • Increase awareness of their surroundings via sound.
Main Activity Learners will use Google's Infinite Drum Machine experiment to create their own music.
  • Enhance understanding of sound production.
  • Encourage self-expression.
Closing Activity Learners will have the opportunity to reflect on their experience creating their music using the Infinite Drum Machine. They will share their music with the class and receive feedback on what their peers liked about it.
  • Promote communication skills through peer sharing and feedback on music created using the infinite drum machine.


Prior Knowledge

Learners should be able to:

  • Understand the five different senses.
  • Use basic technology skills like using a mouse and keyboard to navigate a computer program.


Lesson Objectives

  • Understand the basic concepts of sound.
  • Create their music using Google's drum machine experiment.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of sound, including how it is produced.
  • Analyze different sounds and determine if they are loud or soft.
  • Create unique sounds and music using the knowledge and skills they learned in the lesson.
  • Evaluate different pieces of music, expressing their likes or dislikes and providing reasons for their opinions.



Pre-lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to Infinite Drum Machine on each device.



How does knowing about sound and music leads to durable learning?
Improving listening skills: Understanding how sound is produced and how it can be manipulated can help students develop their listening skills and ability to distinguish between different sounds. Relevance: When sound and music are meaningful and relevant to an individual, they are more likely to be remembered and have a longer-lasting impact. Emotional connection: Music can evoke emotions, and emotional experiences are more likely to be remembered. Enhancing creativity: By learning about different instruments and sounds and how they can be used to create music, students can be encouraged to explore their creative potential.
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Introduce the ground rules to the learners. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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Ask learners to listen to the sounds in their surroundings carefully.

Ask them what they know about sound and what they wonder about sound.

Encourage learners to share their observations with the class.

Ask follow-up questions to help learners identify specific sounds, such as:

  • Can you hear any birds singing?
  • Can you hear any cars honking?
  • Can you hear any people talking?


NOTE: Teachers may check out this alternate activity.



How do I get my students to open up and respond?
Ensure that you maintain a safe space in the classroom for students to be confident in case of wrong answers. Time and again, declare that it is a judgment-free zone and that every response is valuable. For simple "yes" and "no" responses, encourage learners to use a simple "Thumbs up, thumbs down" response style.
Why it is important for first grade learners to know about sound?
Understanding sound can also help learners prepare for emergencies. They can learn about emergency signals, such as fire alarms or tornado sirens, and what to do when they hear them. They can also learn to communicate in emergencies, such as calling for help or using a whistle to signal assistance.
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Introduce the concept of sound to the learners.

Explain to learners about loud and soft sounds.

Encourage learners to pay attention to the volume of different sounds they hear and see if they can categorize them as loud or soft.

Use rubber bands to help the learners visualize vibrations.

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Introduce Infinite Drum Machine to the learners.

Guide the learners to open the Infinite Drum Machine on their devices.

To demonstrate how to use Infinite Drum Machine, use this video tutorial

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Explain to the learners how to listen to the different sounds on the infinite drum machine.

Ask the learners to work together and listen to the different sounds. Encourage them to talk about what they hear and how the sounds make them feel.

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Explain the first activity to the learners. They need to identify at least three loud and three soft sounds.

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Elaborate to learners that they will be creating their own music.

Ask learners about their favorite songs or what kind of music they like.

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Guide the learners in creating their music.

  • Step 1: Selecting four unique drum sounds (these sounds need to have something in common)
  • Step 2: Playing with the colored dots to get a unique beat.
  • Step 3: Adjust the pace of the music using the speed controller.
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Ask learners to come up with interesting names for their musical creations.

Some hints to guide the learners:

  • Mix and match: Try combining two or more words or phrases to make your title. For example, "Animal Adventure."
  • Use rhyming words: Rhyming words sound the same at the end. For example, "Roaring Rhythms."



What if my learners find it challenging to create their own music?
Use pre-made loops: The drum machine also has pre-made loops that students can use as a starting point and add their touch. Provide more guidance: Provide students with a simple music pattern or rhythm they can use as a starting point. This can help them understand a music’s basic structure and how different sounds can be combined to create a cohesive rhythm.
How can creating music help learners?
Music can inspire creativity and imagination in children. By exploring different sounds and rhythms, learenrs can learn to express themselves creatively and develop their unique ideas.
For learners who need more clarity on vibrations:
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Allow learners to share their creations.

Briefly discuss the rules with the learners, to be followed while sharing.

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Reflection: Have learners reflect on their experience creating their music. Below are some questions for discussion.
           A). What did they learn? 
           B). What was challenging? 
           C). What was easy? 
           D). What did they enjoy most about the process?



What to do if some students are not feeling confident enough to present in the class?
The educator can join the team and initiate the presentation to boost the students’ morale.
How would the presentation of the music facilitate reflection and feedback in the classroom?
The presentation has the added benefit of encouraging cooperation, listening skills, team building, and addressing several cognitive abilities involving analysis, assessment, and synthesis.

Identification of loud and soft sound



The learner is not able to accurately identify loud and soft sounds.


The learner is able to accurately identify some loud and soft sounds but has difficulty with others.


The learner is able to accurately identify most of the loud and soft sounds.

Creating music with technology



The learner is not able to navigate through the platform and create a musical piece""able to navigate, able to create music with limited variation.


The learner is able to navigate through the platform and able to create music with limited variation.


The learner is able to navigate through the platform and able to create music with multiple variations.



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