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Shape Up Your Art!

Software: Sketch.io
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This lesson allows learners to understand shape-defining attributes and implement their understanding by becoming shape artists. In addition, it will help learners become more perceptive of their surroundings, perceive the relationships between various items, and be better able to appreciate artistic creations.


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity Learners revisit 2-D shapes and their attributes and look for specific shapes through shape-detecting glasses. 
  • Recollect 2 D shapes and their attributes
  • Recognize shapes in everyday objects.
Main Activity Learners will create shape art made entirely out of 2-D shapes.
  • Create shape art made entirely out of 2-D shapes
Closing Activity Learners will share their creations with peers through a gallery walk.
  • Share creations via a gallery walk.


Prior Knowledge:
Learners should be able to:

  • Recognize 2-D Shapes. 


Lesson Objectives:

  • Identify different shapes that they see around them.
  • Construct knowledge of 2-D shapes like triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles.
  • Create shape art utilizing only 2-D shapes.
  • Share shape art with peers and get inspired via a gallery walk.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize shapes in everyday objects and settings around them.
  • Construct knowledge of 2-D shapes and their attributes like triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles.
  • Implement their knowledge of 2-D shapes and create Shape Art.
  • Share their shape art with peers and get inspired via a gallery walk.




Pre-lesson prep:

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary logistics in advance.
    • Cutouts of Shape Detecting Glass template: To create a stable shape-detecting glass, you can either paste the cutout on a piece of cardboard or add popsicle sticks. This will ensure that the learners can use it smoothly during the activity. If your class has a knack for craftwork, this activity could also be conducted with the help of your learners.  
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance.
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable Wi-Fi connection.
    • Access to sketch.io on each device.




What can I do if I have more than three students per group?
In the event of more than three students per group, guide students on ways to share responsibility within the group. You can also assign the responsibility of monitoring equal making time and an opportunity to voice opinions to one team member.
How does creating shape art lead to durable learning?
Engaging with art connects learners to their senses. Learning an otherwise ordinary topic, “Shapes” in Mathematics, through art helps learners express their feelings. Through Art, learners can utilize the mathematical concept learned, connect it to the real world and apply it to create a meaningful prototype.
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Introduce learners to the lesson.

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Allow learners to go through the lesson objectives

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This part of the activity stresses constructing the necessary knowledge before learners embark on creating shape art. 

Share with learners that "In this lesson section, we learn what makes a shape what it is. This means we will learn about the attributes of shapes and learn and share everyday examples of things around us that are made up of specific shapes."

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Slide 4, 5, 6, 7

Walk learners through the characteristics of the following shapes and ask them to share examples of things around them that possess the attributes of that particular shape.

  • Triangle
  • Circle
  • Square
  • Rectangle
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Introduce learners to the task and distribute shape-detecting glasses amongst teams. NOTE: Teachers may check out these alternative activities as a less logistics-intensive alternative to Shape Detectives.



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Introduce learners to the main activity for the day: Creating Shape Art. Explain that with their knowledge about shapes and their attributes, they will become artists and create artwork made entirely from shapes. The time limit for this activity will be 30 minutes, and they will use a tool called Sketch.io.
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As with any other challenge, this challenge also has a set of rules the learners will adhere to complete their project successfully. Walk learners through the following rules and open the floor for feedback, if any: 

  • You can use only the following shapes in your artwork:
    • Triangle
    • Circle
    • Square
    • Rectangle
  • Be creative.
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Slide 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

This lesson section focuses on widening learners’ horizons of things that could be made entirely from shapes. 

The goal here is to assist them in reimagining objects and creatures and help them create art made entirely of shapes.

Begin by stating, “We already know different things around us that are made of shapes, but what if I ask you to draw a shape house? Would you be able to draw a house made entirely of shapes? If yes, what shapes can you think of for making the house?” Now pause for learner responses or questions, if any. 

Next, say, “Let’s try looking at some things made entirely of shapes. Ask learners to observe closely and share the shapes they can spot in the shape version of drawings. Also, ask, “Is the shape version of things letting you correctly guess the object?”

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Introduce learners to the tool they will be using for creating shape art. You can introduce learners to the features of the tool they will utilize. Begin by demonstrating the task on the projector screen and then pause for learners to practice the tasks. To demonstrate how to use Sketch.io, use this video tutorial



What if my students find it challenging to create art using shapes?
Try providing them with themes and narrowing down the art domains. Using the following themes or prompts, you could excite learners to create and supplement them with ideas. Recreate a scene from your favorite story. Share a few examples of abstract art and encourage learners to create abstract art. Share a theme with learners to work with. Some themes for reference are: Underwater World. Fantasy World. Future World. Shape Zoo.
For Intermediate Learners:
You could ask them to create a scene that tells a story or that conveys a particular emotion or theme. Ask learners to create a specific scene, such as a scene from a book or a famous landmark.
For advanced learners:
Shaping a Mandala: A mandala is a geometric pattern with numerous symbolic meanings across various civilizations. Mandalas, which translates to "circle" in Sanskrit, is divided into sections and placed around a single center point. After sharing a brief explanation of the Mandala & illustrating a few examples of Mandala Art, encourage learners to create their own Shapes Mandala. Note: Mirror Brush in Sketch.io is a tool that automatically mirrors your design and creates Mandala art.
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Introduce learners to the main activity for the day: Creating Shape Art. Explain that with their knowledge about shapes and their attributes, they will become artists and create artwork made entirely from shapes. The time limit for this activity will be 30 minutes, and they will use a tool called Sketch.io.
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As with any other challenge, this challenge also has a set of rules the learners will adhere to complete their project successfully. Walk learners through the following rules and open the floor for feedback, if any: 

  • You can use only the following shapes in your artwork:
    • Triangle
    • Circle
    • Square
    • Rectangle
  • Be creative.
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Slide 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

This lesson section focuses on widening learners’ horizons of things that could be made entirely from shapes. 

The goal here is to assist them in reimagining objects and creatures and help them create art made entirely of shapes.

Begin by stating, “We already know different things around us that are made of shapes, but what if I ask you to draw a shape house? Would you be able to draw a house made entirely of shapes? If yes, what shapes can you think of for making the house?” Now pause for learner responses or questions, if any. 

Next, say, “Let’s try looking at some things made entirely of shapes. Ask learners to observe closely and share the shapes they can spot in the shape version of drawings. Also, ask, “Is the shape version of things letting you correctly guess the object?”

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Slide 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Introduce learners to the tool they will be using for creating shape art. You can introduce learners to the features of the tool they will utilize. Begin by demonstrating the task on the projector screen and then pause for learners to practice the tasks.



How do I grab my learners’ attention once they are engrossed in observing artwork at a station?
You can implement strategies to catch learners’ attention during the Gallery walk. Remember that since students are young, you can use three claps or ring a bell to remind them to switch stations.
How do I explain the concept of peer feedback to first-graders?
Start by explaining feedback and why it’s crucial to the students. Feedback is like a helper that tells you what you did well and what you can do better. Use simple language and give examples of good feedback, such as, "I like the colors you used" or "You did a great job on the shapes.” Show the students an example of a peer's work and demonstrate how to give positive and constructive feedback. For example, "I see you tried hard on the letters, but you could make the lines straighter next time."
How would Gallery Walk facilitate reflection and feedback in the classroom?
Gallery Walk has the added benefit of encouraging cooperation, listening skills, team building, and addressing several cognitive abilities involving analysis, assessment, and synthesis.

Shape identification in everyday objects



Learners have identified objects that do not fit a particular shape category.


The learner can identify objects that fit the desired shape categories. 


The learner can identify hidden shape patterns in objects and efficiently categorize objects under desired shape categories. 

Implementing knowledge of shape attributes by creating shape art



The learner’s artwork does not exhibit all four shapes taught. 


Learners’ artwork exhibits a clear understanding of shapes and their occurrence in everyday objects around them.


Learner’s artwork exhibits a thorough understanding of shapes and their attributes & demonstrates things and creatures reimagined as shapes. 

Shaep art sharing and feedback



The learner is not able to communicate efficiently or receive feedback.


Learners can share and receive feedback efficiently.


The learner can communicate clearly and receive feedback. Learner efficiently shares suggestions on “even better if” & is able authentically to congratulate peers on the completed art projects.



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