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Score! with Statistics

Software: Google Sheets
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Are you ready to revolutionize the way you teach measures of central tendency? Introducing an engaging and interactive lesson plan that incorporates the power of technology to teach mean, mode, and median! With this innovative approach, learners will dive into data analysis using Google Sheets, a popular spreadsheet application. By integrating soccer, this lesson plan offers an exciting opportunity to enhance learners' understanding of central tendencies while honing their technological skills. Get ready to witness your learners' enthusiasm as they explore, calculate, and interpret data like never before, fostering a more profound comprehension of mean, mode, and median. Let's empower our learners with the tools they need to become data-savvy individuals in today's data-driven world!


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity The lesson will begin with a brief segment to assess learners' prior knowledge of basic statistical concepts. After this, learners will conduct a survey and get to know their class better. They will calculate the mean, mode, and median for the data collected and share their insights.
  • Define and differentiate between mean, mode, and median.
  • Accurately calculate the mean, mode, and median using manual methods and draw conclusions.
Main Activity The main activity will involve a guided demonstration of using Google Sheets to calculate the mean, mode, and median of the best-performing team in soccer. Learners will be provided with sample data of soccer players from different groups and step-by-step instructions on performing the calculations using spreadsheet functions. 
  • Analyze and interpret measures of central tendency in identifying the efficiency of soccer teams based on player data.
  • Apply their knowledge of mean, mode, and median to predict the team most likely to win the next match.

Closing Activity The closing activity aims to assess learners' comprehension and provide an opportunity for reflection and discussion by inviting them to share their insights about which team will likely win the next match.
  • Share their findings with peers.


Prior Knowledge:
Learners should:

  • Be familiar with the concept of data and understand how data is collected, organized, and represented.
  • Essential spreadsheet functions include entering data, formatting cells, and performing simple calculations.
  • Know the definitions of the mean (average), mode (most frequently occurring value), and median (middle value in a data set) and how to calculate them manually.
  • Basic arithmetic skills, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, are essential for working with data and performing calculations in Google Sheets.


Lesson Objectives:
Learners will:

  • Understand the concepts of mean, mode, and median as measures of central tendency.
  • Learn to manually calculate the mean, mode, and median using a given data set.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in using Google Sheets to perform calculations of mean, mode, and median.
  • Analyze and interpret measures of central tendency in identifying the efficiency of soccer teams based on player data.
  • Apply their mean, mode, and median knowledge to predict the team most likely to win the next match.


Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to: 

  • Accurately calculate the mean, mode, and median using manual methods and draw conclusions.
  • Effectively utilize Google Sheets to perform mean, mode, and median calculations, demonstrating proficiency in spreadsheet functions.
  • Apply measures of central tendency (mean, mode, median) to analyze soccer team player data sets, interpret their meaning in identifying player efficiency, and predict the team most likely to win a match.
  • Communicate their findings and interpretations effectively, both orally and in written form, using appropriate mathematical vocabulary and terminology.




Pre-lesson Prep

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary logistics in advance.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance.
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable Wi-Fi connection.
    • Access to Google Spreadsheets on each device.
    • Projector




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Introduce learners to the lesson objectives.
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Refresh learners’ memory on the measures of central tendency: Mean, Mode, and Median.


Additional information for teachers:

Let's take an example to understand this better. Imagine you have the following numbers: 5, 8, 4, 2, 9. To find the mean, add up all these numbers: 5 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 9 = 28. Next, you divide this sum by the total number of values in the set, which is 5. So, 28 ÷ 5 = 5.6. Therefore, the mean of this set of numbers is 5.6.

The mean is helpful because it gives us a representative value that summarizes the entire set. It helps us understand the average or typical value in the data. For example, if we were looking at the mean score of a class on a test, it would give us an idea of how well the class performed on average.

However, it's important to note that extreme values can influence the mean in the data. For instance, if one learner in a class scores much higher or lower than everyone else, it can significantly impact the mean. That's why it's essential to consider other measures of central tendency, like the median and mode, which provide additional information about the data.

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Additional information for teachers:

Let's consider an example to understand this better. Imagine you have the following set of colors representing the favorite colors of learners in a class: red, blue, blue, green, yellow, blue, red, purple, and blue. To find the mode, we identify the color that occurs most frequently. In this case, "blue" appears four times more than any other color. Therefore, the mode of this set of data is "blue."

In summary, the mode is the value or values that occur most frequently in a data set. It helps us identify the data set’s most common or popular value. The mode provides insights into the prevailing characteristic of the data.

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Additional information for teachers:

Let's look at an example to understand this better. Imagine you have the following set of numbers representing the ages of learners in a class: 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. To find the median, we first arrange the numbers in order: 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Since the data set has an odd number of values (7), the median is the middle value. In this case, the middle value is 14. Therefore, the median of this set of data is 14.

The median is applicable because it represents the value that splits the data into two halves. It gives us an idea of the "typical" value in the data set, which is not influenced by extreme values. For example, if we were looking at the median income of families in a neighborhood, it would indicate the income level in the middle, without being influenced by extremely high or low incomes.

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Begin by sharing that they will get to know their classmates better by conducting a fun survey and then calculating the data's mean, mode, and median. 


Distribute the survey to each group. 

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The Survey Sheet will be divided into three main sections: 

  • Data collection, 
  • Calculations, 
  • Analysis.

In the data collection section, learners will write down the responses they gather from their classmates for questions such as "How many hours of sleep do you get?", "How many hours do you play?", and "How many hours do you read?".

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To facilitate Data Collection and movement in the classroom, you can opt for the speed dating technique. 

Speed Dating:

  1. Arrange chairs in two rows facing each other, creating a "speed dating" setup.
  2. Half of the groups sit in one row, and the other half in the opposite row.
  3. Assign one group as the "questioners" and the other as the "responders."
  4. Give each group a set amount of time (e.g., 1-2 minutes) to ask and answer survey questions.
  5. Instruct the groups to rotate positions after each round, allowing everyone to have a chance to ask and answer questions.
  6. Learners record the responses on their worksheets as they interact with different peers during the activity.
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After collecting the data, learners will transition to the calculations section of the worksheet. They will come back and sit in groups, where they will calculate the mean, mode, and median based on the data they have collected. 

For learners to calculate the Mean, Mode, and Median of the data they collected from peers, provide 8 minutes. You can also set up a timer on the screen. 

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Once the calculations are completed, learners will move on to the analysis section of the worksheet. They will reflect on their findings and write insights based on the calculated mean, mode, and median. This analysis time allows learners to interpret the data, identify patterns or outliers, and draw conclusions about the class's sleep habits, playtime, and reading habits. Give learners 10 minutes to now discuss within teams what this data tells them about their classmates. 
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Learners will share their insights into the data collected and operations performed. 
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Ask learners where the measures of central tendency could be utilized in real life. Invite learners to share responses as a class.


Possible use cases could include:

  1. Salary Analysis: In HR and job market research, the mean and median salaries are often calculated to understand the average or typical earnings in a particular occupation or industry. This information helps job seekers negotiate salaries and assists organizations in setting competitive compensation packages.
  2. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: When analyzing customer satisfaction surveys, the mode is often used to identify the most common rating or feedback provided by customers. This helps businesses focus on improving specific areas that may negatively impact customer satisfaction.
  3. Stock Market Analysis: Investors and financial analysts use stock price’s mean and median values to analyze trends and make investment decisions. These measures help identify the average performance of a stock or sector and assess potential risks or opportunities.
  4. Response Time Analysis: In customer service or technical support, measures of central tendency, such as mean or median response times, are calculated to evaluate the efficiency of the support team. These measures help identify areas for improvement and ensure timely and satisfactory customer service.




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Share that over 1.5 billion people watched the 2022 World Cup Finals between Argentina and France. (In comparison, 115.1 viewers watched the last Super Bowl.) Ask learners:

  • Who they think won, and why;
  • If they think there is a way to predict the winner of the finals based purely on the historical statistics of players from the different teams.

Show the video to introduce learners to soccer. Conclude by sharing that Argentina and France drew 3-3, but Argentina won 4-2 on penalties.

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Introduce learners to the task by posing the question on the slide: Do you watch soccer or any other sport? How does ESPN or other commentators determine the odds of a winning team?


Possible learner responses:

  • They might examine the team's previous records and performance to predict the outcome.
  • I think they analyze the players' skills and statistics to see how they match up against each other.
  • They may consider the head-to-head history between the teams to see if there are any patterns or trends.
  • They also consider the team's form or recent performance leading up to the game.
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Share that measures of central tendency help to optimize team performance in sports. 

Additional information for teachers:
Data analysis plays a crucial role in sports, including soccer, for several reasons:

  1. Performance Evaluation: Data analysis allows coaches, analysts, and teams to objectively assess player and team performance. By analyzing various statistics such as goals scored, assists, shots on target, passing accuracy, and defensive actions, they can identify strengths and weaknesses, make informed decisions, and devise effective strategies for improvement.
  2. Tactical Insights: Data analysis helps teams uncover patterns and trends in gameplay, providing valuable insights into opponents' strategies and weaknesses. By analyzing data from past matches, teams can identify opponent patterns, formations, and player tendencies, enabling them to develop tactical approaches and game plans to exploit these insights.
  3. Player Recruitment and Scouting: Data analysis assists in player recruitment and scouting processes. By analyzing performance data, teams can identify talented players, assess their suitability for specific positions, and make informed decisions when acquiring new players. Metrics such as goals, assists, pass completion rates, and defensive actions comprehensively overview a player's abilities and potential.
  4. Injury Prevention and Player Conditioning: Data analysis helps monitor player fitness levels, workload, and risks. By analyzing training and match data, teams can optimize player conditioning programs, track fatigue levels, identify injury-prone players, and implement preventive measures to reduce the risk of injuries.
  5. Strategy and Decision-Making: Data analysis supports strategic decision-making during matches. Real-time data analysis, such as player positioning, ball possession, passing patterns, and shot locations, allows coaches and analysts to make informed decisions on substitutions, tactical adjustments, and game strategies to maximize the team's chances of success.
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Apprise learners of the task. Share that they will receive a Soccer Statistics data set comprising different soccer teams and the performance of their players for the last couple of matches. The sample data has the following details:

  • Minutes played
  • Total goals
  • Total assists
  • Yellow card
  • Red card
  • Shots-per game
  • Pass success percentage
  • Aerial duels won per game
  • Man of the match
  • Height (in feet/inches)
  • Weight (in lbs)

Learners will calculate the mean, mode, and median of different teams on Google Sheets and choose the most likely to win a tournament. They will back their insights with relevant data.


Duplicate the sheet and share a different copy with every team. Alternatively, request learners to go to File >> Make a Copy to duplicate the sheet and work on separate copies.

Distribute copies of the “My Winning Team” worksheet to learners. Instruct learners to refer to the worksheet for guiding questions and fill it in according to their analysis.

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This slide will walk learners through the steps to switch between sheets in Google Spreadsheets.
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Learners can go through the video tutorial to calculate how to find out mean, mode and median.


What if learners have difficulty in working on Google sheets?
Provide learners with video tutorials. Some are listed below: Google Sheets: Creating Simple Formulas How To Use Google Sheets
For beginners or learners who may struggle with the concept
Simplified dataset: Provide a smaller and more straightforward dataset for struggling learners. Please limit the number of variables or provide a dataset with fewer entries to reduce the cognitive load and make it more manageable for them to work with.
For advanced learners:
You can provide them with access to this website, https://1xbet.whoscored.com/Statistics, where they can browse through the data sets for more teams and perform their knowledge of the Measures of Central Tendencies to identify the team most likely to win from the pool of teams listed. Provide learners access to this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffF1A_AdIVY&t=37s) to learn how to calculate the standard deviation.
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Learners will now present their insights and share which team is likely a strong win. They will also share what measures of central tendency helped them make this decision. They will present the last page of the “My Winning Team” template to the class. Let us look at expected learner responses and exemplars on how you can rectify in case of any confusion:

Exemplar 1: 

"I found that Team C is likely to be the strong winner. Their higher mean total goals scored and mean pass success percentage indicate a stronger scoring ability and better passing accuracy."

Teacher: Well done, learner A! Team C does seem to have an advantage based on those measures. Great analysis!

Exemplar 2:

"Team A will win because they have the highest mode for shots per game, showing they consistently have more shots."

Teacher: While the mode represents the most frequently occurring value, it may not fully determine a team's strength. Let's consider other measures like mean and median for a more comprehensive analysis.

Exemplar 3:

"I believe Team B is likely to win. Their higher median for total goals scored suggests a consistent performance, and they have the highest mean pass success percentage."

Teacher: Excellent analysis, learner C! Team B's performance seems promising with those considerations. Well done!

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You can walk learners through the structure for their presentation. This structure covers the essential elements that should be a part of the presentation:

  1. Introduction:
  • Greet the class and introduce the purpose of the presentation.
  • Mention that the focus is on determining which team is likely to be the strong winner based on the analysis of measures of central tendency.
  1. Team Selection:
  • Share the team you believe is likely to win.
  • Explain your reasoning for choosing that team.
  1. Measures of Central Tendency:
  • Identify the specific measures of central tendency used in your analysis (mean, median, mode).
  • Briefly explain the meaning and significance of each measure.


  1. Analysis of Variables:
  • Discuss the variables you considered (e.g., total goals scored, pass success percentage, playing time).
  • Share the corresponding measures of central tendency for each variable (mean, median, mode).
  • Highlight the insights gained from analyzing these measures.
  1. Supporting Evidence:
  • Present any supporting evidence or statistics that influenced your decision.
  • Use visual aids such as graphs or charts to illustrate your findings, if applicable.
  1. Conclusion:
  • Summarize your analysis and the key factors that led you to your conclusion.
  • Restate which team you believe is likely to win based on the measures of central tendency.


  1. Q&A and Discussion:
  • Invite the class to ask questions or share their thoughts on your presentation.
  • Engage in a discussion about different perspectives and interpretations.
  1. Closing Remarks:
  • Thank the class for their attention and participation.
  • Encourage further exploration and critical thinking using measures of central tendency in future analyses.
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To get the learners excited about the task and share insights on how they can present their findings, you can ask three learners to role-play the following script:
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, everyone! Today, we'll be sharing insights on which team is likely to win based on our analysis using measures of central tendency. Let's jump right in!

Presenter 2: In terms of total goals scored, Team A had a mean of 2 goals, Team B had a mean of 1.5 goals, and Team C had a mean of 3 goals. Team C's higher mean suggests they have a stronger overall scoring ability.

Presenter 3: Now, shifting our focus to playing time, the median minutes played for Team A was 80 minutes, for Team B it was 75 minutes, and for Team C it was 90 minutes. Team C's higher median indicates they have players who contribute more playing time.

Presenter 1: Lastly, let's consider the mode for shots per game. Team A had a mode of 10 shots, Team B had a mode of 12 shots, and Team C had a mode of 15 shots. This suggests that these shot numbers are the most frequently occurring for each team, revealing distinct shot patterns.

Conclusion: By considering the mean, median, and mode, we've gained insights into each team's scoring ability, playing time, and shot patterns. Based on these measures of central tendency, we can conclude that Team C has an advantage in scoring goals, Team A and Team B have similar playing times, and each team has a unique shot pattern.




For beginners or learners who may struggle with the concept
Provide guided questions such as: "Which team had the highest mode for goals scored?" "How does the mode help us understand the goal-scoring patterns of each team?" "Based on the mode, which team do you think is likely to have a consistent goal-scoring ability?"
For advanced learners
Present different interpretations of the data and ask excellent learners to discuss and debate them. For instance, present a scenario where Team A has a higher mean, and median of goals scored, but Team B has a higher mode. Encourage learners to consider the implications of such scenarios and defend their viewpoints based on the measures of central tendency and other relevant factors.

Data Collection



Collects some data with errors or omissions.



Collects data from classmates, but with minor errors.



Accurately collects and records data from classmates.





Performs calculations with some errors and inconsistencies.



Accurately performs most calculations but with minor errors.



Accurately calculates mean, mode, and median.


Data Interpretation



Attempts to interpret the data, but with limited depth or inaccuracies.



Provides coherent interpretation of data, with some minor.



Provides clear and insightful interpretation of data.


Technology Use



Makes some use of spreadsheets but with limited proficiency.



Effectively uses spreadsheet to perform calculations.



Effectively uses spreadsheet to perform calculations.


Presentation Skills



Presents findings with limited clarity and organization, with minimal use of visuals.



Presents findings with some clarity and organization, with adequate use of visuals.



Presents findings in a clear, organized, and visually appealing manner, with appropriate use of visuals.









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