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Adjective Express!

Software: Flip
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With this lesson, learners will delve into the realm of adjectives, discovering their transformative impact on language. From grasping the essence of these descriptive tools to applying them in their own expressions, learners will elevate their communication skills.


Lesson Overview

Overview  Activity Objectives 
 Opening Activity Learners will use a few words to describe the image of a dog and then identify that adjectives are describing words.  Identify the concept of adjectives as describing words and their function in adding details to nouns.  
 Main Activity Learners will use Flip to record a video where they will be picking an object from their surroundings and describe it using adjectives.   Apply the knowledge of adjectives by using them to create descriptive content about real-world objects.
Closing Activity  Learners will watch 5 videos of fellow classmates and provide constructive feedback using the comments section. They will also write alternate adjectives to describe the objects that they see within the video.   Evaluate peers' work and synthesize the understanding of adjectives by providing overall feedback and suggesting alternate adjectives.  


Prior Knowledge 

Learners should be able to

  • Construct basic sentences.
  • Understand nouns. 


Lesson Objectives 

  • Recognize adjectives and recall their purpose. 
  • Explain the role of adjectives in adding description and detail to nouns.
  • Use appropriate adjectives to create sentences that effectively describe various objects, animals, or people. 


Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the lesson, learners  will be able to 

  • Understand that adjectives are words that add detail to nouns. 
  • Use adjectives to describe an object. 
  • Evaluate the use of adjectives to describe objects. 
  • Offer constructive feedback using adjectives. 




Pre-lesson preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner. 
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to flip on each device. 



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Introduce the learners to the ground rules. You can check out the Eddy Approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson. 

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Start by presenting the image of the dog as shown in the deck and ask the learners to think of a few words to describe the dog. 

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Pick up on some of the words used by the learners and add some descriptive words of your own and let the learners know that they used adjectives. Further, introduce the meaning and purpose of adjectives as shown in the deck.

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List the aspects of a noun that can be described using adjectives and give the examples mentioned in the deck. You can also add some of your own examples for a better understanding. 



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Explain to the learners that they will be participating in an activity where they will record a video to describe any object from their surroundings using adjectives. They will use Flip to do so.  To understand how to build a group and start a discussion on Flip, refer to this video tutorial

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To explain the learners how to use Flip provide the instructions as shown in the deck.  

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Let the learners know about the features offered by Flip that they can access while recording their video. Refer to the features as mentioned in the deck.


How can I modify this activity for my learners who require more support?
To modify this activity for your learners who require more support, consider the following: 1. Simplified Object Selection: Provide a selection of pre-chosen objects that learners can pick from. This narrows down choices and makes the task less overwhelming. 2. Adjective Bank: Offer a list of adjectives that learners can choose from to describe their selected object. This eliminates the need for them to generate adjectives independently. 3. Guided Description Template: Provide a template with sentence starters for their video description. For example: "I see a [object]. It is [color] and [shape]. It feels [texture]."


How can I modify this activity for my advanced learners?
To modify this activity for your advanced learners, consider the following: 1. Creative Narration: Invite advanced learners to craft a short imaginative story or scenario involving the object, incorporating the descriptive adjectives to enhance the narrative. 2. Vocabulary Expansion: Encourage advanced learners to explore more sophisticated or rare adjectives to demonstrate a rich vocabulary and precise descriptions.



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Let the learners know that once they are done with the main activity, they will watch five videos and provide constructive feedback for each video. Their comment must have an adjective to describe the video and suggestions for alternative adjectives to describe the object in the video. Refer to the example as shown in the deck. 

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Let the learners know about the importance of constructive feedback and use the example in the deck to let them know how to offer constructive feedback. 

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To conclude, use the reflection questions mentioned in the deck. The purpose is to allow learners to understand the importance of adjectives to enhance writing and communication. 


What is the importance of peer feedback?
Peer feedback is a powerful tool, fostering empathy and connection as learners offer insights, encouragement, and areas for growth. Through this process, students not only refine their work but also develop social and emotional skills, like active listening, constructive communication, and appreciation for diverse perspectives. This collective journey nurtures a supportive, growth-oriented community, where each voice contributes to the holistic development of every individual.




Using Adjectives to Describe Objects 



The learner understands the function of adjectives, but finds it difficult to use adjectives to describe nouns/objects. 



The learner understands the function of adjectives and uses them to describe nouns/objects. 



The learner understands the function of adjectives and uses them to describe nouns and objects in a manner that is vivid and engaging. 


Providing Feedback using Adjectives



The learner is able to provide feedback to other learners using basic adjectives, such as ‘good’, ‘nice’, but finds it difficult to describe the elements within the video in detail. 



The learner is able to provide feedback to other learners by using adjectives to describe elements within the video. 



The learner is able to provide feedback to other learners by using adjectives to describe elements within the video and find areas where improvement is needed by providing suggestions that use adjectives.



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